july 2018 – goodnews editorial

One of the most important responsibilities we all share is the responsibility to be truthful – in our public life, in our relationships with others and most of all in our relationship with ourselves. While THE TRUTH is a shifty notion, an authentic attitude is not. We need this honest approach more than ever today, and most of all we need it in the media. It is not only sad to witness newspapers, TV stations and social media promote the falsehoods known as fake news, it is equally embarrassing to see how they advance a culture of squirming commiseration or puffing outrage, leading to already marginalised groups being „infantilised by a culture of victimhood and offence-taking.“ (Dorian Lynski). Especially in the tabloids influencing „the masses,” readers are told what to think rather than being helped to form their own opinion. But it is still up to you what you choose to believe! Up to you what opinion you cultivate! Up to you what causes you support or become involved in! As Timothy Leary liked to say: „You are the director of your own movie. And the movie you are making tells the story of the great adventure that is your life.“ So don’t believe the hype!

Susanne G. Seiler

Eat Your Words

I am a veggie table
A table made of veg,
There’s so much fruit upon me
All living on the edge,
Life is hard
But so are plates
And tea can be quite hot,
And vegetarian poets
Make me nervous quite a lot.

Benjamin Zephaniah

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