january 2019 – goodnews editorial

Do we have to feel guilty because we are «destroying everything», foremost the climate and nature? Because man has mercilessly exploited all things natural for as long as we can remember? Because we all consume and exploit? Because we have still not made the political our private affair and, as a human collective, are not taking any essential measures to finally adapt our lifestyle to the planetary reality? At present we can only comfort ourselves with the fact that good often emerges from bad and that there is also such a thing as «happy guilt» or felix culpa. The Catholic term means that negative circumstances can lead to positive outcomes, and we may thus transform our guilt. And that – as in Taoism – there would be no better without the bad. My greatest wish: that in the coming year we will adapt ourselves more to the needs of Mother Earth.

I wish you a Happy New Year!
Susanne G. Seiler

What is stronger

what is stronger
than the human heart
which shatters over and over
and still lives

Rupi Kaur

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