september 2019 – goodnews editorial

Mind over Matter

What matters more? How we think or how we grew up? What we want or what we have? And are we able to attract or manifest love, wealth and health by the strength of our character alone? Is there a tested method to resonate with the universe that will grant us our wishes? And what of the bad things that happen to us? Are they also our responsibility? I believe that I am the creatrix of my own reality in terms of perception. That it is up to me how I see the world, in a black cloud or as an eternal sunset (or somewhere in between) but when it comes to «reception», there is a lot of input too, and everybody else is just as busy as I am safeguarding and maintaining their creation. There is s logic to my life, and my actions have consequences but there are also many factors beyond my influence, let alone control. As to getting what I want – it happens more often than not but not always at the snap of a finger. Reality takes time. Matter matters!

Happy fall, y’all!
Susanne G. Seiler

sapphire’s lyre styles

sapphire’s lyre styles
plucked eyebrows
bow lips and legs
whose lives are lonely too

my last nerve’s lucid music
sure chewed up the juicy fruit
you must don’t like my peaches
there’s some left on the tree

you’ve had my thrills
a reefer a tub of gin
don’t mess with me
I’m evil I’m in your sin

clipped bird eclipsed moon
soon no memory of you
no drive or desire survives
you flutter invisible still

Harryette Mullen

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