@ Cabaret Voltaire
The Psychedelic Salon Zürich
Beat Bächi: Transubstantiations. LSD and the Flesh of the Aztec Gods. Dr. Bächi, a historian, knows the Albert Hofmann Archive in Bern intimately and is currently researching the fate of farm animals in the Anthropocene at the University of Zurich. He will take us on a journey through southern Mexico, tracing the unlikely paths that enabled LSD to transform itself from a psycho-pharmaceutical substance into a counterculture icon. His book LSD auf dem Land. Produktion und kollektive Wirkung psychotroper Stoffe („LSD in the Country. The Production and Collective Impact of Psychotropic Substances“) is only available in German for now (Konstanz University Press 2020).
Zürich | Cabaret Voltaire | Spiegelgasse 1 | 14. Dezember | 18 – 21 h
@ gaiamedia lounge
The Psychedelic Salon Basel
Claude Weill: A Return Ticket to Elysium – Psychedelics in the Second Half of Life
Claude is the author of Elysium hin und zurück („A return ticket to Elysium“). The nine people portrayed in his book are all in the second half of their lives, representing a wide variety of backgrounds, working in various professions or being already retired. For them, the regular or occasional use of mind-altering substances represents an access to extraordinary experiences of spiritual-mystical dimensions. This is the fitting topic of our December Salon.
Basel | gaiamedia lounge | Hochstrasse 70 | 21. Dezember | 6-9 pm
Integration psychedelischer Erfahrungen
mit Claude Weill; genauer Veranstaltungsort bei Anmeldung
Zürich | 14. Dezember | 18.30 – 20 h | Beitritt jederzeit möglich.
1er Simposio Psiconautica
With Jonathan Ott, Claudia Müller-Ebeling, Luis Eduardo Luna, Javier Echeverria, Mónica Gagliano and many others
Conguillo, Chile | Parque National | 11.-16. Dezember