january 2018 – goodnews editorial

The new year has barely begun, and I wonder what it will bring us, wishing you the very best. A favourite line in my favourite wisdom book (The I Ching) advises us not to combat evil directly but to make energetic progress in the good. We don’t need the make resolutions or detailed promises, all we have to do is to look and to move in the right direction – where our hopes and visions are waiting for us.

To the future!
Susanne G. Seiler

The Road

Here is the road: the light
comes and goes then returns again.
Be gentle with your fellow travellers
as they move through the world of stone and stars
whirling with you yet every one alone.
The road waits.
Do not ask questions but when it invites you
to dance at daybreak, say yes.
Each step is the journey; a single note the song.

Arlene Gay Levine

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