july 2020 – goodnews editorial

America has captured the European imagination ever since it existed. Whether one hates it or loves it, the sound of its name, its cities, the glamour and pace, but also the wars and social inequalities associated with the United States of America evoke strong images in us. As white Europeans we cannot know how much Black Lives Matter in the USA. What we do know is that it is not enough here, as we stand humbled by our cruel collective colonial past. We also know that we need to break free from our own prejudices and create better conditions for African-Europeans and People of Color. Does that mean that we should feel guilty? Guilt leads to fear, and a life dominated by fear keeps us locked in the past instead of leading to better solutions for the future. Instead of being afraid of each other, we want to take care of each other. Apologies are due. The United States urgently need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. There are many shadows waiting to be brought to light and integrated into lived history. We must learn to better accept the unknown and make it a part of our lives. In Europe too.

Susanne G. Seiler

In that other fantasy where we live forever

we were never caught

we partied the southwest, smoked it from L.A. to El Dorado
worked odd jobs between delusions of escape
drunk on the admonitions of parents, parsons & professors
driving faster than the road or law allowed.
our high-pitched laughter was young, heartless & disrespected
authority. we could be heard for miles in the night

the Grand Canyon of a new manhood.
womanhood discovered
like the first sighting of Mount Wilson

we rebelled against the southwestern wind

we got so naturally ripped, we sprouted wings,
crashed parties on the moon, and howled at the earth

we lived off love. It was all we had to eat

when you split you took all the wisdom
and left me the worry

Wanda Coleman

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