november 2020 – goodnews editorial

The times are far from easy, and when I look at the worldwide case numbers of the microscopic infestation in our midst, I feel like hiding under my bed. To hell with that idea though! Would I rather grit and bear it? Even less. Although I feel a visceral compassion for the those suffering around the world, where, as usual, the poorest are hit the hardest, I often turn up the music for a bit of dancing, scour virtuality for the funniest sketches and movies and laugh along, tell the friends in my bubble about the droll adventures in my past, just like they amuse me with their stories; I raise my glass to life, eat a little something sometimes to see if it will make me taller or smaller, giggle, sing and hum to myself and take pleasure in the happiness I feel for having such a good life at home. And I am in the process of labelling the first books, DVDs and other items of our media library, which can be perused at Hochstrasse 70 in Basel. Soon also virtually on a PC near you. Let’s keep it up, take our vitamins, and hopefully we will all stay healthy this way!

Emphatically yours,
Susanne G. Seiler

P.S. I wish…

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