january 2023 – goodnews editorial

come together 

At the beginning of the New Year, I would like to wish you all the best: be well, stay chill and kind!
For the coming year, I am hoping for friendships and communities to develop among psychonauts. We are dealing with at least four separate issues you can get involved in.
The first question concerns the decriminalization of psychedelics for indigenous populations around the globe, whose right to the traditional use of the substances they use must be recognized internationally. Without them, we would not know about psychoactive plants and other herbs.
We do not need to worry about the medical field. This is well covered by psychiatrists and psychologists, by universities, hospitals and clinics that are in good contact with the authorities. I remind you that research is being done with natural or synthetic psychedelic substances at all major Swiss universities, and at many renowned international universities.
The third area that awaits better regulation concerns the private and ritual use of psychedelics, within or outside of a (spiritual) community. It cannot be that I commit a crime with an action that takes place far from the public and concerns only myself.
The fourth area, often scornfully dismissed, concerns the large group of young people who prefer the use of substances, usually in small doses, to dance the night away at parties and raves, giving expression to their inner world through their bodies. Many adults seem to have forgotten how much energy young people have! A body in motion may be able to process and shake off trauma precisely because verbalization is not possible, as emotional experience and conscious content are still lacking. Many admonitions and prohibitions from childhood find their silent grave in the disco.
No matter where and in which of these four areas, it is always about freedom and self-determination. Achieving them is up to all of us. I hope we’ll find ways to bring the right people together!
Please get through the winter well – with or without substantial support!

P.S. You’ll find us at the Gaia Lounge, Hochstrasse 70 in Basel (near Basel SBB main station,  tram stop Peter Merian) every Thursday afternoon from 14 – 18 h. Welcome!

prairie snows

bitter january wind brushes fingers through highway foxtails my hands bruised purple with full midnight moon and you beside me your laughter warm in my chest


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