august 2023 – good to read

Proof of Spiritual Phenomena. A Neuroscientist’s Discovery of the Ineffable Mysteries of the Universe

Mona Sobhani
Startled by her mother’s uncanny ability of reading coffee dregs, Mona embarks on a journey to encounter and confront her own skepticism. She finds proof of past lives and accurate sensitives in materialistic L.A., leading her to reconsider her beliefs. To her great surprise, many of her colleagues are interested in the same questions she is, as she looks for the scientific evidence to buttress her new-found interest. Well worth reading! (sgs)
Park Street Press

I Feel Love: MDMA and the Quest for Connection in a Fractured World

Rachel Newer
With its power to dismantle psychological defenses and induce feelings of empathy, self-compassion, and love, MDMA may answer profound questions about how we became human, and how to heal our broken social bonds. Once vilified as a Schedule I substance, MDMA  is now being hailed as a therapeutic agent that could transform the field of mental health as the first psychedelic approved for widespread clinical use.
Bloomsbury Academic

The Nature of Drugs Vol. 2. History, Pharmacology and Social Impact

Alexander Shulgin
The Nature of Drugs series presents the story of humanity’s relationship with psychoactive substances from the perspective of a master psychopharmacologist and beloved luminary in the study of chemistry, pharmacology and consciousness. Transcribed from the original lectures recorded at San Francisco State University  in 1987.
Synergetic Press

Journal of the Psychonaut

Journal of the Psychonaut
Psychedelic experiences have the potential to dramatically change us for the better, but only if we truly integrate what we’ve learned from them into our everyday lives. This journal is your sacred space to prepare for and then integrate these lessons from your explorations of non-ordinary states of consciousness. We encourage you to color outside the lines, break the rules, and above all else work with this journal in the way that fits you best. Available via The Psychedelic Salon
MAPS via Synergetic Press

Psychedelic Cults and Outlaw Churches. LSD, Cannabis, and Spiritual Sacraments in Underground America

Mike Marinacci
From LSD-powered guru Timothy Leary to cannabis sex cults to psychedelic outlaw churches, Mike Marinacci presents a comprehensive tour of North American religious sects and spiritual groups who use entheogens and psychoactive drugs in the search for higher consciousness, mystical insight, and spiritual enlightenment. A comprehensive tour of North American spiritual groups that use psychoactive drugs in the search for higher consciousness.
Park Street Press

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