february 2018 – good to read

The Most Dangerous Man in America – Timothy Leary, Richard Nixon and the Hunt for the Fugitive King of LSD 

Bill Minutaglio & Steven L. Davis
The adventures of Timothy Leary’s odyssee from Harvard to hell and back make for a racy read. Spanning twenty-eight months, President Nixon’s careening, global manhunt for Dr. Leary winds its way among homegrown radicals, European aristocrats, a Black Panther outpost in Algeria, an international arms dealer, hash-smuggling hippies from the Brotherhood of Eternal Love and secret agents on four continents. The “LSD Apostle’s” escape from jail took him to Switzerland, Algeria and Afghanistan and back to jail in California, where Charles Manson was his neighbor. Based on freshly uncovered primary sources and new firsthand interviews.

Tuning the Human Biofield – Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy

Eileen Day McKusick
When Eileen McKusick began offering sound therapy in her massage practice she soon discovered she could use tuning forks to locate and hear disturbances in the energy field, or biofield, that surrounds each of us. She found these energetic disturbances correlated with the emotional and physical traumas her clients had experienced throughout their lives, the biofield acting as a record of pain, stress and trauma from gestation onward.
Healing Arts Press, January 2018

Joe Hill – A Biographical Novel

Wallace Stegner 
Stegner retells the story of the bard who became the stuff of fiction for the alleged murder of a Salt Lake City businessman. Organiser, rebel, singer of Labor Songs who fought relentllessly for Trade Unions, Joel Hill was a peerless fighter in frequently violent battles between organised labour and industry. This is a full-bodied portrait of both the man & the myth: from his entrance into the short-lived Industrial Workers of the World union to his trial, imprisonment & final martyrdom.
Penguin Random House, January 2018

Exit Stage Left. The Snagglepuss Comics 

Mark Russell & Steve Pugh (illustrations) 
In Russell and Feehan’s hands, Hanna-Barbera’s audacious pink mountain lion is given a new, Flintstonian shading: this Snagglepuss is more stylish, more fuchsia, more unapologetic than his original cartoon iteration. He’s a successful, adored playwright, smooth and confident even if the world around him is on fire. He’s also gay, and living as a closeted homosexual mountain lion in 1953 is awful – all the more since success has made him a target.
DC Comics, January 2018

The New Psychedelic Revolution – The Genesis of the Visionary Age 

James Oroc 
Entheogens are powerful tools of self-discovery; Oroc studies the works and lives of Albert Hofmann, Terence McKenna and Alexander Shulgin in order to gain deeper insight into the history and future of psychedelics and how to cultivate a positive attitude towards the dreamtime that could transform our culture. The author is an active part of the psychedelic renaissance, a revival that has been a long time coming though it never was a long time gone.
Park Street Press, January 201

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